Reality Check

As living beings, we depend on understanding the environment around us, in order to successfully adapt to it and deliver value.

In the modern workplace we are surrounded by humans. Our success will thus depend on how others perceive us. In a perfect world we would know, and 360 reports wouldn’t be needed. But as the world isn’t perfect, most managers have to settle for guessing others’ opinions, hence basing their understanding on loose assumptions instead of solid facts.

​Luckily, there is a way to change this. RealityCheck is a new tool that gives managers both quantitative and qualitative input that will change their understanding of themselves, their team, and their organization.

RealityCheck offers a reflection of how others see you, the manager role, as well as the organization within which you work. It’s a valuable tool because it describes your playing field.

Knowing how others perceive you, as well as their view of leadership and their understanding of your organization is the first step towards understanding which adaptations are worth striving for. Based on your company’s ambitions, you should be able to determine which behaviours to focus on in order to reach the desired results.

As a leader, you are your most important tool. Your ability to modify yourself is what you should focus on. In the long run, that ability will determine not only your success in your role, but also your quality of life. RealityCheck can help you along the way. You don’t have to walk alone. For more information, please contact us!

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